SERVICES ARSRiskReductionReviews.com
Primarily, management at Austian’s Risk Services, Inc. (ARS) likes to provide services to companies that have a big interest in preventing accidents that cause fatalities and injuries that devastate family’s lives and those companies that want to be number one in safety in their respective industry. |
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ARS offers a wide range of safety and risk
services as follows:
Risk Reduction Reviews Services are conducted by an ARS consultant that covers most all areas of safety and regulatory compliance. The reviews are targeted toward training location management on how to effectively manage their safety and regulatory programs. Go to the ARS Risk Reduction ReviewsTM page to see more information about this application.
Risk Reduction Review Training that trains internal safety management at companies on how to effectively conduct safety reviews at their locations.
Risk Control Program Development that is tailored to company’s needs and targets the prevention of accidents, control of cost(s) related to accidents and regulatory compliance.
Risk Control Training for safety and operations management on how to effectively train their employees on the safety and/or regulatory programs that were written by ARS.
Expert Witness Services that provide companies an expert witness for cases that require an expert in safety and regulatory compliance. Other experts are also searched for our clients on other expert areas such as medical, accident reconstruction, rehab, etc.
Environmental Reviews are conducted by The Carel Corporation’s
(TheCarelCorporation.com) environmental consultants that cover many environmental areas. These reviews are targeted at training location management on how to effectively manage their environmental programs. Go to the ARS Environmental ReviewsTM page to see more information about this application.Environmental Consulting is offered in most all the environment areas through The Carel Corporation (TheCarelCorporation.com).
Underwriting Risk Analysis for insurance carriers, insurance brokers so that they can accurately access the risk of a company. They are also conducted for companies that are in the process of purchasing a company so that they can accurately access their risk.
Strategic Risk and Safety Advisor to executives and boards of directors on an as needed basis to provide recommendations or advice on how to manage safety and regulatory issues or opportunity areas.
Strategic Risk/Safety Review Planning to assist risk and safety management in reviewing where they are in safety and what areas or programs they should improve on or implement during the next year.
Catastrophic Claim Examination assistance is provided to help management determine any negligent safety and regulatory factors on an accident claim.
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Job
Descriptions are developed for companies to help ensure
compliance with the
Employee Benefit Enrollment assistance to find a vendor that will conduct enrollments for large companies for little or no cost. More importantly, to ensure that an employee completely understands their benefits and also the dollar value of their benefits that an employer provides and/or offers during their enrollment process.
Discount Health and Lifestyle Benefit Advisor and Provider to find high quality (non-insurance) benefits that can significantly improve a company’s employee benefit package at a very low cost and even decrease the medical claims cost.
Licensed All Insurance Line Agent/Broker to assist companies in finding an insurance broker and/or carrier(s) that best fits their needs.
Risk Reduction Review Services
Risk Control Program Development
Risk Control Training
Expert Witness Services
Underwriting Risk Analysis
Americans with Disabilities Job Descriptions
Former Owner of a Third
Party Claims Administration Company
Catastrophic Claim
Vehicle and Injury
Employee Benefits
Enrollment Consulting
Strategic Risk/Safety
Review Planning
Strategic Risk and Safety
Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Catastrophic Claim
Vehicle and Injury
Employee Benefits
Enrollment Consulting
Strategic Risk/Safety
Review Planning
Strategic Risk and Safety
Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Vehicle and Injury
Employee Benefits
Enrollment Consulting
Strategic Risk/Safety
Review Planning
Strategic Risk and Safety
Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Employee Benefits
Enrollment Consulting
Strategic Risk/Safety
Review Planning
Strategic Risk and Safety
Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Strategic Risk/Safety
Review Planning
Strategic Risk and Safety
Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Strategic Risk and Safety Advisor to Executives and Board of Directors
Licensed All Insurance Lines Agent/Broker
ARS Risk Reduction ReviewsTM
ARS Environmental ReviewsTM